Flexibility is key to the way in which we engage with our clients. We offer three distinct mehods of working with you…
1, Retained basis : We are retained by you to help, support and guide you in all areas of Psychometric testing and assessing. This would include advice on and the supply of the most appropriate assessment or test for your ongoing business requirements.
We charge our time in half day blocks. This gives total flexibility and control over costs to your organisation as you can choose how much of our time you purchase each month dependent on your specific and changeable business requirements. Please contact us to discuss this option in greater detail.
2, Specific one-off projects : Perhaps you are a smaller organisation and wish to make sure you do all you can to ensure you make the correct recruitment decision. We can advise on, conduct and provide feedback for your project in the most cost effective manner.
3, Our direct offering : We offer the widest choice of Psychometric tests including the largest selection of British Psychological Society ( BPS ) approved assessments of any UK supplier.
Contact us to discuss your specific needs. We will advise on and supply the most reliable and valid tests and assessments that fit your requirements at the best price.